Showing: 1 - 5 of 45 RESULTS
Lawn Care

Don’t Commit Crepe Murder

A Clemson Organic farming expert once laughed about this common saying in the The Carolinas. It’s true. These wonderful trees deserve the best treatment but don’t always get it. The Spruce has details. A crime spree happens every fall or early winter, and the perpetrators get away relatively free. We’re talking about “crepe murder,” the …

Lawn Care

Checklist for your Autum Leaves

1- Blower- Do you really need one. Use it during non sleep hours for the neighbors. 2- Rake- Ah, the old fashioned rake. Get the wide brim rake. Thank me later. 3- Bags- The city has rules you know. Some box store offer free bags with their logo. Just saying. 4- Let the leaves accumulate. …